Port city post
PublishedApril 9, 2016
Port City Post: Portland has its problems, but small business isn’t one of them
Some brave entrepreneurs have helped make this city by the sea the internationally recognized place it is.
PublishedMarch 26, 2016
Port City Post: The visit of a friend reminds me of all the things I love about Portland
It has yoga, the Atlantic Ocean, a nightlife – and many places to buy wine, cheese, pastries and bread.
PublishedMarch 12, 2016
Port City Post: Charms of caucusing outweigh hours of waiting
It's easier to stay home, but the call of democracy is worth it – and the engagement with other citizens is all free.
PublishedJanuary 30, 2016
Port City Post: Shipping six Maine lobsters through big snowstorm a real nail-biter
'Big, big weather,' warned the shipping clerk. 'We'll ship 'em, but I can't guarantee they'll make it.'
PublishedJanuary 2, 2016
Port City Post: Neighborhood Army of Smalls takes over the news
Bored kids get creative, from putting out a newspaper to launching their own 'Project Runway' spinoff.
PublishedDecember 19, 2015
Port City Post: At any age, support and love are both role model and safety net
From toddler's issues to grownup tragedies, it helps greatly to have a network that can empathize.
PublishedDecember 5, 2015
Should I take Miss Piggy’s diet advice? Or watch pounds come and go
The Biggest Loser I'm not: I've lost 10 pounds many times – will this time last?
PublishedNovember 21, 2015
Port City Post: Made in the USA – and in Maine – thanks to skilled immigrants
Co-workers of diverse cultures at a small business bring home the value of welcoming them here.
PublishedNovember 7, 2015
Port City Post: Such a nice day outside … which means some catastrophe is imminent
It's said women live longer because we worry, but that's more time waiting for those other shoes to drop.
PublishedOctober 24, 2015
Port City Post: An honest relationship doesn’t have to include the whole truth
Mothers don't always have the best advice for their daughters, but can still help them find guidance.