Michael Bloomberg
PublishedFebruary 2, 2020
Jim Fossel: Commitment can matter more than money
A surplus of enthusiasm can overcome a deficit in the campaign war chest.
PublishedJanuary 30, 2020
Bloomberg, Trump spending millions on Super Bowl campaign ads
Each campaign is spending an estimated $10 million on 60 seconds of airtime.
PublishedJanuary 25, 2020
Mike Michaud: I’m supporting Mike Bloomberg for president
At a time when Washington is trying hard to roll back progress on issues like the environment and health care, he'll move us forward.
PublishedJanuary 24, 2020
Trump vs. Bloomberg: A pricey knife fight over political futures
Bloomberg is making the case that he is what Trump is not: a builder, a billionaire, a problem-solver with a steady temperament and one of the world's leading philanthropists.
PublishedJanuary 21, 2020
Bloomberg shifts TV ads to target impeachment, vulnerable Republican senators
Bloomberg is focusing impeachment ads in states with vulnerable Republican senators, including Maine.