Governors energy office
PublishedJune 23, 2023
A federal bill would ban wind power development in key fishing area off Maine coast
Rep. Jared Golden has introduced legislation in Congress that would prevent offshore wind development in Lobster Management Area 1, which is the zone closest to the shore and stretches along the entire coast.
PublishedFebruary 15, 2023
Rising power costs help fuel Gov. Mills’ plan to speed transition to renewable electricity
During an address on Tuesday, Gov. Janet Mills announced plans to submit a bill requiring 100% of the electricity consumed in Maine to come from renewable energy sources by 2040 – a decade sooner than previously planned.
PublishedJanuary 31, 2023
Northern Maine wind power project wins PUC approval
Maine utilities would buy 60% of the output from the planned wind farm, which would be the largest east of the Mississippi, while Massachusetts would pay 40% of the project costs.
PublishedOctober 4, 2022
State to intervene in Versant Power rate hike request
Gov. Janet Mills orders her energy office to oppose the rate proposal, which seeks a 32% increase for Maine's second-largest electric utility.
PublishedAugust 24, 2022
Norway seen as a model for climate-friendly solutions to save money
State, county, municipal and nonprofit agencies share strategies.