Charter school
PublishedMarch 12, 2020
Our View: Lawmakers right to tweak Maine’s vaccine law
Voters overwhelmingly support immunization requirements, but diseases can't spread among online-only students.
PublishedDecember 20, 2019
Commentary: Federal government has squandered millions on failed charter schools
While Maine and a handful of other states have used federal grants effectively, the predominant pattern is one of continuing waste and corruption.
PublishedNovember 12, 2019
Maine online charter school gets 5-year renewal, with conditions
The Maine Charter School Commission votes 6-1 Tuesday to renew the charter for Maine Virtual Academy, despite performance concerns raised in a report in January.
PublishedSeptember 25, 2019
Virtual school’s teachers balk at hiring of principal accused of bullying
Teachers at Maine Connections Academy are concerned about the hiring of Walter Wallace, who resigned as principal of Brunswick Junior High amid allegations he bullied and harassed female employees at the school.
PublishedAugust 20, 2019
Our View: Virtual charter schools didn’t live up to the hype
What was supposed to be a transformative education model is struggling to meet minimum standards.
PublishedAugust 11, 2019
Struggling Maine Virtual Academy looks to renew charter for online education
School officials and a panel overseeing Maine's charter schools point to improvements made since a report in January cited absenteeism and low test scores.
PublishedJuly 1, 2019
Maine keeps charter school cap at 10, as states weigh impact of expansions
The legislation, along with another bill limiting the number of students who can enroll at the state's two virtual charter schools, is enacted without the governor's signature.