Making It Work – Ambiguity is the new normal
More than a year and half into a pandemic, Maine’s business community is still grappling with uncertainty. Managing hybrid work forces, shifting safety protocols, inflation and other market forces complicate decision-making as we head into 2022. How can you manage effectively when there’s ambiguity everywhere? Join moderator Carol Coultas and change specialist Lisa Whited of WTF and crisis manager Linda Varrell of Broadreach PR for an interactive and lively discussion about performing well despite the question marks. Posted
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Bill Nemitz sits down to discuss his career and upcoming retirement with web editor Katherine Lee.
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Filmed live Apr. 29, 2022
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Brian Ross–or Chef Brian, as he’s known around Hampden, where he lives–started the Facebook group Quarantine Kitchen in March 2020 so people could share pantry recipes during the lockdown phase of the pandemic. His network of foodie friends around Maine signed on as charter members. Two weeks later, the group had 8,000 members. Now with 11,000 members from 75 countries, Ross’s Quarantine Kitchen sustains itself with a steady supply of home cooking photos and kind words for each other’s efforts.
Portland Press Herald food and dining reporter Tim Cebula talks with Ross about the feel-good stories coming out of the Quarantine Kitchen.
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