Mainers to be thankful for 2017
We take a moment this season to give thanks to those among us who give time and energy to the larger community, enriching the world around us. Here are 10 people who have worked diligently, often without recognition, to comfort, protect, nurture and inspire others who need a helping hand.

Mainers to be thankful for 2016
We take a moment this season to give thanks to those among us who give time and energy to the larger community, enriching the world around us. Here are 11 people who have worked diligently, often without recognition, to comfort, protect, nurture and inspire others who need a helping hand.

10 Mainers to be thankful for 2015
As Mainers gather around loaded tables and greet family members who come from afar, we also take a moment to give thanks to those among us who give their time and their energy to the larger community, sharing their humanity and enriching the world around us. Here are 10 people who have worked diligently, often without recognition, to comfort, protect, nurture and inspire others who need a helping hand.

Ten Mainers to be thankful for 2014
As we gather to share in the season’s bounty, we offer thanks today for those among us who give generously – often without attention – to the good of others. These 10 people embody the spirit of the holiday.

Ten Mainers to be thankful for 2013
Behold the bounty of Thanksgiving. These 10 individuals – known by their neighbors for their generous hearts and for their genuine commitment to improving the community around them – were chosen by the Portland Press Herald as embodying the spirit of the holiday

Ten Mainers to be thankful for 2012
Here are 10 people for whom we are thankful as they work diligently, often without recognition, to comfort, protect, nurture and inspire, and so make our world a better place.