Denny Gallaudet was appointed to the SAD 51 School Board on Monday. Derek Davis / Portland Press Herald

Cumberland environmentalist and former bank president Denison “Denny” Gallaudet is the newest member of the SAD 51 School Board.

The Cumberland Town Council voted unanimously Monday to appoint Gallaudet to the school board seat vacated by Jason Record, who resigned a month ago with one year left in his term.

“I don’t think you could’ve picked a better person,” Councilor Michael Edes said Monday. “Denison Gallaudet’s a great person and he’ll do well.”

As a member of the Town Lands and Conservation Commission and the Cumberland Climate Action Team, Gallaudet has been active in town policy and that, along with his background in finance, sealed the deal, the council said.

“I was so impressed with Mr. Gallaudet,” Councilor Shirley Storey-King said.

Storey-King said she was specifically pleased with Gallaudet’s knowledge of the state education department’s Essential Programs and Services Funding, which is an integral part of the school board’s consideration in developing the district’s budget.


Gallaudet told the Town Council that paying attention to school budgets is almost a “hobby” of his.

He joins the Cumberland-North Yarmouth school board as it renews plans to build an elementary school in North Yarmouth to alleviate overcrowding in the district. Voters defeated a $79 million bond proposal for a new school in 2022.

Gallaudet’s term will expire in 2024.

The council interviewed five applicants for the vacant school board seat.

“All five candidates were terrific, and I would encourage all five candidates to consider public service,” Councilor Mark Segrist said.

Gallaudet is the former president of Casco Northern Bank and has been active on numerous boards in the area, including for the United Way of Greater Portland, Portland Stage Company and the Maine Chamber of Commerce.

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