Re: “LePage rips Eves, tries to foil job chance” (June 10):

Gov. LePage’s letter to the Good Will-Hinckley School about choosing House Speaker Mark Eves as its next president is most surprising, not least because of its insulting nature.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t insulting someone’s character and professional credentials behind their back to a prospective employer rise to the level of defamation of character and slander?

I don’t know any of the parties involved, but I speculate that Mr. Eves may choose to not pursue a case of libel against the governor. Therapists learn not to take insults personally.

However, I sure wish someone would take the case to court and teach the bullying governor a lesson. Not only has he insulted Mr. Eves, and the intelligence of the board of directors at Hinckley, but he has also managed to impugn the character of anyone in the Democratic Party who works in education.

Is it possible that the governor is reacting overmuch and talking more about himself?

Louise Rocha-McCarthy

South Portland

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