Child sexual abuse perpetrators are protected by silence. Thus, the publicity, the discussions and the controversy surrounding sexual abuse in Biddeford are wonderful things.

We in the Blue Hill area underwent a very similar process, termed “mob justice” by the lawyer for former Biddeford Police Capt. Norman Gaudette – an unflattering term for an uprising of people who have had enough. The case in Blue Hill involved a “pillar” of the community who had been molesting boys for 46 years, if victims are to be believed.

Unfortunately for the officers in Biddeford being accused of sexual crimes, the public no longer doubts victims. The public intends that justice be served, whether the crime took place yesterday or 30 years ago. Remember that among the public, 1 in 5 or 6 have also been victims and know what it’s like.

Mary Offutt

Little Deer Isle

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