You recently ran a political cartoon by syndicated artist Rivers (March 6, Page D3) that tried to mock the claim that Donald Trump was the “Worst Putin Puppet Ever” by asking: “Which helped destroy the Russian advance most: Blankets supplied by (Barack) Obama/(Joe) Biden? Or Javelin missiles supplied by Trump?”

Let’s set the record straight. Those Javelin missiles (approved by Congress) were actually delayed for months by Trump. Remember the famous “perfect” phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky? The one where Trump asked him to first “do him a favor” if he wanted the Javelins? People have such short memories. Does no one remember the (first) impeachment trial?

The specter of the Republican Party desperately trying to rewrite history, with Trump as a friend of Ukraine and enemy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, would be laughable if it weren’t so successful.

Amy MacDonald

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