A recent letter to the editor listed several of the successes of the Trump administration and asks the question whether it is time to again play “the Trump card?” (“Far from a ‘do-nothing,’ Trump had many successes,” March 16).

While it is admitted that a few of the items listed are beneficial, the failures of that administration far outweigh the successes. Chief among the failures is the fact that Trump almost single handedly created the weakness in our democracy and in the NATO alliance that Vladimir Putin is taking advantage of as he invades Ukraine. This long planned assault on democracy had to be undertaken now, before the damages of the Trump administration are reversed.

Democracy, and the way of life it guarantees, is now in jeopardy because of the misguided ideology of two corrupt individuals, one a war criminal dictator, the other a dictator wannabe.

“Trump card anyone?” I think not.

Sandy Perkins

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