A Sunday editorial referred to our previous president as a “do nothing” president. Although I did not like his narcissism or divisiveness, nor his too-little, too-late response to events on Jan. 6, I feel the need to remind people of the successes of his that some refuse to acknowledge.

I liked a more secure southern border;
I liked being energy independent;
I liked NATO paying its fair share;
I liked a better trade deal with Canada and Mexico (Biden agreed it was better.);
I liked calling out China for stealing our intellectual property;
I liked fighting for more fair trade practices with China;
I liked pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal … (a ‘good deal’ only for Iran);
I liked historically low unemployment numbers for Blacks, whites and Hispanics alike;
I liked having a strong military;
I liked the removal of the Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani.
I liked ‘America First’ and a president who told world leaders that their countries should come first for their citizens as well. (This is not isolationism.).

The previous president is accused of playing “footsie” with Putin. (Funny, when Biden dialogues with Putin, it’s called ‘diplomacy’; when Trump dialogues, it’s called “footsie”). Consider the possibility that it was Trump’s ‘footsie’ play that led Putin to believe Trump was unpredictable, thusly keeping Putin at bay. Perhaps it was this uncertainty that made invading Ukraine too risky for the Russian … a good thing.

Presently, Putin’s in control. He holds all the cards. Trump card, anyone?

Pamela Brant

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