Good news. Boyne Resorts, parent company of Sunday River Resort and Sugarloaf, is serious about mitigating climate change. Boyne endorsed the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, HR 2307, the first, best step toward capping the global average temperature increase to a target that avoids the most disastrous impacts of climate change.

Global warming has shortened winters in Maine. The winter of 2020-21 was particularly hard on ski resorts. Low snowpack and warm temperatures shortened the ski season, discouraged skiers from traveling and left rivers, lakes and wells, which depend on snow melt, dangerously low going into what has been a dry spring and summer.

Endorsing HR 2307 fulfills part of Boyne’s commitment to the Climate Collaborative Charter, which is a pact made by Boyne, Alterra Mountain Co., Vail Resorts and POWDR, the four largest ski industry leaders representing 71 ski resorts, to advocate for effective climate legislation.

Boyne joins the National Ski Areas Association, which has also endorsed HR 2307. The bill would quickly and at low cost reduce carbon dioxide emissions, thereby putting the country on the path to net zero emissions by 2050; save lives by reducing air pollution; put money in people’s pockets through its carbon dividend, and spur innovations in renewable energy that make them more affordable.

Go to to see how the bill works and who supports the bill. Contact Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King and ask them to sponsor a companion bill. Thank Rep. Chellie Pingree, who is a co-sponsor.

Dorothy Jones

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