Saco Food Pantry is free resource to those in need

To the editor,

The article by Senator Susan Deschambault on food related resources in our area was timely and informative. The only concern if left me with is that the Saco Food Pantry, another free resource, was not mentioned. The Saco Food Pantry is open Monday-Friday, 9 to 10:30 a.m. and the last Tuesday of the month, 5 to 6:30 p.m. It is located at 67 Ocean Park Road on the corner of Cumberland Avenue. The phone is 468-1305 (business hours only). The email is Volunteers and clients are asked to follow CDC guidelines. During the pandemic, we are serving anyone who comes to the pantry, regardless of where they reside. Clients may visit the pantry once a month. Partnering with Age Friendly Saco, delivery is possible for folks who cannot get to the pantry. (Call Lynn at 494-8662.)

Lynn Steed
Volunteer Coordinator at Saco Food Pantry

Listen to your mother

To the editor,


What good old-fashioned advice. I have said several times in my life, that the most important people in my life were women. First, my dear mother who is now in heaven, and then the Lithuanian nuns in parochial school in the small, coal mining town in Girardville, Pennsylvania, and the icing on the cake, my Irish bride of over 64 years. They all helped me walk a straight line.

And now, after living in this beautiful state of Maine for over 15 years, lo and behold Maine has a lovely lady governor. I feel I have come full circle in my life of women. You might say I’m a ladies man.

So, I know dub Governor Janet Mills the “Mother of Maine.” So listen to our Mother Of Maine Governor Mills and she will part this “pandemic sea” and lead us to safety. Be obedient. Amen.

God bless all Mainers.

Toby Koles

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