Mother’s Day drive-thru blessing

In honor of Mother’s Day, St. Anthony of Padua Parish is inviting everyone to receive a “drive-thru” blessing from 11 a.m. to noon Sunday, May 10, at St. Hyacinth Church, 268 Brown St.

Deacons Larry Guertin and Peter Bernier will be at a portable altar near Mary’s Garden outside the church, and they will bless occupants of cars with the Blessed Sacrament as they drive past. Participants must remain in their cars and proceed slowly after pausing following the individual benediction. No walk-up participants will be allowed.

Members of Knights of Columbus Council 2219 will offer flowers to mothers, continuing a longtime tradition. The flower distribution will follow social distancing rules.

“It has been a tradition of the Knights of Columbus councils in our cluster to honor mothers by giving them a carnation after Masses on Mother’s Day weekend. Since we cannot gather at our churches for Mass during this time, the Westbrook council thought this would be a good way of keeping that tradition of giving flowers out on Mother’s Day and keeping a feeling of normalcy during these difficult times,” said  Guertin. “This is just another way we come together as community in the love of Christ.”

In the event of rain heavier than a light drizzle, the blessing will be postponed until Sunday, May 17.


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