What is normal about the pre-Trump era to which Edgar Allen Beem would return (“Biden can’t become president fast enough” March 25)? The patently unwarranted, criminal war on Iraq that took over a million lives?  Its needless repetition in Afghanistan? Financing Israeli racism in Palestine? The collective white male dismissal of Anita Hill’s conscientious revelation of Clarence Thomas’s sexual abuse? Joe Biden’s Big Pharma servitude? The Obama Administration’s blessing of a drug-future coup in Honduras? Obamacare that leaves out 80 million citizens? Exactly what, besides the only occasional touchy feely-breached public civility Biden promises?  The environmental crisis, militarism amok, obscene income disparity, 60,000 dying a year for lack of health care, white supremacy regnant and millions of its victims needlessly jailed require much more, much more, now, now, than the comfortable injustice of the old normalcy Biden would restore.

William H. Slavick

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