Elizabeth Warren is the candidate who can stand up to Donald Trump and hold him accountable to the American people. She is the one we need to take on Trump this November.

In a courageous debate performance, Warren stood right next to billionaire Mike Bloomberg – three-time mayor of New York City and world’s ninth richest man – and repeatedly scoured his record with mastery and dogged persistence.

She tied Bloomberg to his history of disrespecting women. She refused to accept his non-apology for targeting black and brown citizens in New York. And she pressed him again and again on one of his biggest political liabilities: the untold number of people who have accused him of workforce harassment.

In one memorable exchange, reminiscent of Warren’s many Senate shakedowns, Warren asked whether Bloomberg would use his power to release his accusers from their non-disclosure agreements. He declined.

No matter – his power had already been broken. He spent the rest of the debate in the corner, sulking in silence as the rest of the field moved on without him.

Warren deserves credit for her bravery. She went toe to toe with a very powerful man and stood up for the powerless: the women and the people of color whom he had hurt.

This is the kind of debate we need to see against Trump. Warren has the skill and the passion to stand right next to our billionaire president and show the American public exactly who he is. She wants the job. Let’s give it to her.

Charles Skold


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