I am writing this letter from my hospital bed to implore my fellow community members to vote “no” on 1 on March 3. I am currently undergoing treatment for complications due to an autoimmune disorder. Although I’m heartbroken to be in the hospital again, I am confident that I will get better because I trust science, I trust medicine, I trust my doctors.

Due to this disease I’m unable to receive vaccines; therefore, I’m dependent on the protection of herd immunity. I fight every day to just live a normal life.

I do everything I can to not be defined by my illness. My biggest fears are not about what is going on inside my body, but what is going on around me. I acknowledge the risks I take by leaving the safety of my house, and I also know that I am ultimately responsible for protecting myself. I am also acutely aware that I might die sooner than I want to because of my illness, but I refuse to let that stop me from fighting to protect Maine’s children, the elderly and all of the others who are too sick to fight.

I understand I am pleading with you to make choices about your life to help others, but I truly believe in my heart that people will want to do the right thing. Vaccines protect everyone. Vaccines save lives. Please, on March 3, vote “no” on 1 for science, for safety, for me.

Courtney Ampezzan


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