After a day of snow on Thursday, expect conditions overnight to be slick. Winter Storm Warnings (pink) and Winter Weather Advisories (purple) continue through 10 p.m. Friday.

Temperatures stay near freezing, but ultimately below that along the coast, with much colder air inland. Freezing drizzle and snow showers continue overnight. Light icing is likely as wind out of the north keeps us cold all night.

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Round two arrives early Friday morning. A lot of this will fall as ice, sleet and freezing rain, and roads will continue to be quite hazardous. This continues through early afternoon. Snow showers continue across far northern and western Maine.

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As the storm slides by, cold air will march back to the coast and any mixing will change to snow before ending Friday evening. Along the coast there shouldn’t be much additional snow, only an inch or two. But through the foothills more significant snow amounts of 6-12 inches will fall. A foot or more of additional snow will fall over the mountains and far northern Maine.

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The storm will drop 1-3 inches along most of the coast, except for far southern York County. With snow falling on top of icy roads, travel will still be slick even into Friday night.

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The weekend will be cold but bright. High temperatures Saturday will be in the mid-20s. We’ll be in the low to mid-20s Sunday with sunny skies.

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Snow showers will be possible again on Monday.

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Remember, freezing rain looks like plain rain as it falls from the sky, then it freezes on contact. Sleet is those little balls of ice that you can hear bouncing off your windows. Freeing rain is, of course, worse and more dangerous to drive in, but neither is ideal.

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