
Pownal selectmen will meet Monday, Sept. 23, at 7 p.m., at Mallett Hall.

The Conservation Committee also meets Monday, Sept. 23, at 7 p.m., at Mallett Hall.

The Planning Board will meet Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. at Mallett Hall. Topics on the agenda include Dan Catlin property, Hallowell Road; U.S, Cellular, Bob Gashlin (KJK Wireless); Arthur Fayta property, Hodsdon Road.

The Planning Board will also hold an ongoing review of ordinances, subdivision ordinance, Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 8-9:30 a.m. Mallett Hall, Old Selectmen’s Office. All Planning Board meetings, on site inspections and workshops are open to the public.

Beans, spaghetti being cooked


On Saturday, Sept. 21, the First Parish Congregational Church, 422 Hallowell Road, Pownal, will be hosting a baked bean and spaghetti supper. There are settings at 5 and at 6 p.m. Tickets are adults $8, children 5-12 are $4, and children under 5 eat free. To reserve tickets, call Lois at 688-4433.

Lobster feed to aid students

The annual lobster bake, sponsored by the Pownal Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization, IMPACT, will be held Saturday, Sept. 21, at 1 p.m., at the school. A $20 ticket includes one lobster, clams, corn on the cob, potatoes, salad and blueberry cake. Hot dogs and hamburgers also available for kids for free. The dinner raises funds to directly support educational enrichment of the children at Pownal Elementary School. Tickets are available in school office, at the Short Stop, and day of the event.

For further information, contact Wellens King, 688-4647.

Returnables sought to support fire-rescue

The Pownal Fire Co. works to support the Pownal Fire & Rescue Department. In addition to providing food during fires and trainings, the organization purchases work uniforms and equipment for the town’s emergency personnel. The money the fire company is able to donate toward these items helps to keep the fire department’s expenses down. The organization seeks donations of returnable bottles and cans to help fund its work. The Pownal Fire Co. is independent from the town of Pownal and the Pownal Fire and Rescue Department.

12-step meetings

The First Parish Congregational Church 422 Hallowell Road, Pownal, hosts a 12-step meeting Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Linda G., 650-4536.

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