The recent news that Dennis Duquette had applied to become the principal of the Cape Elizabeth Middle School sparked fear and concern in the hearts of many students and parents in Gorham. As has been repeated several times over, we feel Dennis has transformed GMS to a bright and inviting learning environment and there is an overwhelming sense of relief that Dennis has decided to stay in Gorham.

As happy as we are to hear that Dennis will remain as principal of GMS, we remain concerned about the factors that would cause Dennis, or any principal, to seek alternative employment after only 21 months on the job. That concern has encouraged us to request that the Gorham School Committee establish an ad hoc committee whose charter and purpose is to review the Gorham Middle School’s administrative operations with the express purpose of assuring the School Committee and the community that the Gorham Middle School – its administration, faculty and staff – embrace a positive and progressive culture geared toward making Gorham a “model” Middle School.

Specifically, this committee would leverage the results of the already planned meeting to be held on May 26 and review in greater detail the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for advancement in the GMS. We respectfully suggest that the committee be comprised of seven members with representation from the School Committee (1 member), the district (1 member), the middle school administration (1 member), the middle school teachers (1 member), the middle school parents (2 members), and the middle school students (1 member). We believe that this committee should be able to complete its work and report its recommendations back to the School Committee by October 2005.

We respectfully request that the School Committee formally consider our request at the next regular meeting scheduled for May 11, 2005.

Mark St. Germain


St. Germain presented this letter on behalf of 85 petition signers.

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