BATH — With the deadline to return nomination papers approaching, only one sitting official will not seek re-election here or in Topsham.

City Councilor Steve Brackett, who will complete his second, three-year term said the need to care for two octogenarian parents in his native Georgia prevents him from running again.

“I’ve enjoyed representing the city of Bath in one of the open council seats for these years,” Brackett said last month. “I’ve learned a tremendous amount about city government and how it functions, and most importantly, I’ve gotten to know (City Manager) Bill (Giroux) and the department managers and developed a high degree of respect for each and every one.”

Councilor Mari Eosco, the council’s chairwoman since 2013 and the first woman to fill that role, said she is running for Brackett’s at-large seat. The Ward 5 councilor completed the term of the late Councilor Jack Hart before winning her first full term in 2007.

Councilor Leverett “Tink” Mitchell, the Ward 7 representative, is also running again. He and Eosco were the only people to return nomination papers as of late last week; the deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20.

Papers for Bath seats on the Regional School Unit 1 Board of Directors are due by 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26. Alan Walton, a board member since 2010 who currently fills an “unrestricted residence” position, was the only candidate to return papers as of late last week.



Selectmen Marie Brillant and William Thompson – elected in 2010 and 2013, respectively – are running again for the Topsham Board of Selectmen.

John Graham, who serves on the town’s Historic District Committee, has also submitted papers for one of the two open seats.

Holly Kopp, who has served two, three-year-terms as a Topsham representative to the School Administrative District 75 Board of Directors, was the only person as of late last week to submit papers for that position.

Nomination papers for both Topsham boards are due by 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26.

Alex Lear can be reached at 781-3661 ext. 113 or Follow him on Twitter: @learics.


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