AUGUSTA — The Augusta man who drove a truck that hit and killed 60-year old Dana Williams in November 2018 will not face charges.

Kennebec County District Attorney Maeghan Maloney said Thursday that accident reconstruction revealed that Craig Conary, 59, could not have avoided the collision that killed Williams, of Augusta.

“This took place at twilight (and) the victim was wearing dark clothing,” Maloney said. “There was no possible way that he could have avoided the collision.”

“It’s a very sad accident,” she added.

Williams was crossing the street at night on Nov. 26, 2018, near the west entrance to Memorial Bridge when he was struck and killed.

Staff members and attendees at the LINC Wellness & Recovery Center at 38 Memorial Drive said Williams, a volunteer there, left at 7 p.m., closing time on weeknights, and was carrying a box of food from there. The same group said the intersection of Gage Street and Memorial Drive is dangerous, especially when it is dark.


Corey Wilson, an at-large city councilor in Augusta, told the Kennebec Journal in November 2018 that, during his time in the 126th Legislature, he advocated for road safety around the intersection where Williams was struck.

“I put in a bill to put in blinking lights for pedestrian safety and move the crosswalks away from Memorial Circle,” he said in November. “The DOT shot down my bill, saying it’s not good policy to legislate traffic changes.”

“Here we are talking years later, and people are still getting hit,” Wilson added.

Maloney said drugs or alcohol were not involved.

Sam Shepherd — 621-5666
Twitter: @SamShepME

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