ROCKLAND — A 38-year-old Hope man will spend 20 days in jail for stalking a woman by placing a tracking device on her car and following her for more than two months this year.

Ian R. Robertson was sentenced Wednesday by Justice Joyce Wheeler to 364 days in jail with all but 20 days suspended for domestic violence stalking. He will be placed on probation for a year during which time he must undergo a psychological exam and counseling if directed. He is barred from having firearms unless it is part of his military service with the Maine Air National Guard.

The two have a child together and were in a four-year relationship that ended a year ago. The victim spoke at length about the emotional terror Robertson inflicted, saying he was controlling to the point that he would decide when she could breastfeed the child.

After they broke up, he would sabotage efforts she made to get child care. She said in one instance, the YMCA banned him from the property and then said she was asked to withdraw the child from the daycare center for both the child’s protection and that of the other children.

The tracking device was found when her car was being inspected at a garage. Police got a search warrant for his telephone and found an app for tracking. He had tracked her for two months including visits to her friends, family, and lawyer in the child custody case.

She recounted one instance after the device was found when their child was injured and taken to Maine Medical Center in Portland. He found out somehow and called repeatedly to the Portland hospital to the point that the hospital went into a lockdown and the child was admitted under an alias.


“An already stressful event was turned into a nightmare,” she said.

The child custody matter remains in family court and Wheeler said she would leave the decision on whether he can have contact with the child to the family court judge.

Assistant District Attorney Fernald said this was one of the most serious domestic violence cases he had seen in 16 years of prosecuting cases.

Defense attorney Walter McKee pointed out that Robertson had no criminal record and has served his country and community. He had served in the Air Force and been a member of the Air National Guard for 18 years. The defense lawyer pointed out that Robertson also started and operates a successful contracting business.

Robertson spoke and said he took full responsibility for the “stupid idea” of planting the tracking device on the woman’s car.

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