Jesus calls us to welcome the stranger in our midst. The Good Samaritan is illustrative. (Our Constitution commits us “to promote the general welfare.”)

The Trump administration, governing the richest nation in the world, with its incomparable fertile land and other resources, will now allow only 30,000 refugees to enter the U.S. in the new budget year – 0.04 percent of the 68.5 million refugees worldwide, millions of whom are victims of our foreign aggressions and immoral and illegal meddling in other countries’ affairs in furtherance of American greed.

Where is the Christian outrage at this racist arrogance?

Where is the Christian outrage at the administration’s racist separation of thousands of children from their parents without a clue as to how to reunite them?

Where is the Christian outrage at politician lackeys’ greed in denying untold millions of people federally funded health care?

Where is the Christian outrage at the deliberate sabotaging of government efforts to forestall climate change disaster – even the annihilation of the human race?

It isn’t.

William H. Slavick


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