I strongly support the re-election of Democrat Joyce “Jay” McCreight as our state representative for Harpswell, West Bath and East Brunswick.

I say “our” because Jay truly represents us in Augusta. I’ve known Jay for years and I know how hard she works for us. She has knocked on thousands of our doors, responded to each one of our phone calls, emails and letters, because she knows that to truly represent us, she needs to hear directly from us about our needs and concerns.

Through her concern and persistence, Jay helps people get through the maze of state agencies and service providers to get answers and results. She often says that every question is an opportunity not just to help, but to learn so she can better help the next person.

If you want your voice to be heard and your concerns turned into action, please join me in supporting Jay McCreight’s re-election.

Aaron J. Fuchs

Orrs Island

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