ALFRED — A Waterboro man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for luring a woman to a remote residence in Arundel, assaulting her with a cattle prod-shaped Taser, and attempting to force her into a van so he could hold her for ransom.

A jury of six men and five women found Christopher T. Hall, 52, guilty of felony aggravated assault and attempted kidnapping, both Class B felonies, and Class C assault following a two week-trial in June. The incident took place in October 2015.

During sentencing at York County Superior Court on Thursday, Assistant District Attorney Kyle Myska called Hall “dangerous” and said he had a history of violence.

Christopher T. Hall

Hall had targeted the victim because she worked as a guardian ad litem in a custody issue involving his children several years ago.

Myska told Justice Delahanty that Hall’s desire to get his children back led to the idea of kidnapping those involved in the custody dispute. He said Hall had planned tie up those individuals in the woods and hold them for ransom.

“He contacted the victim and then laid in wait for her … he was there and waiting,” said Myska. “Before she got out of her car, he pounced on her and Tased her over and over again on her legs. She was able to fight him off.”


Hall had made a stun gun by attaching a Taser to a cane. It was initially described as a cattle prod.

Hall drove away from the home on Irving Road in Arundel, but was later arrested after an investigation by the York County Sheriff’s Office.

“This was not spur of the moment; it was a coldly calculated plan he had been thinking abut for years,” Myska told the justice.

Hall’s father, John P. Hall, asked the judge to show mercy on his son.

“Being a parent and doing what is right was taught to my son,” the elder Hall said.

“I am asking you to have mercy on my son,” John Hall continued. “I told him not to seek revenge. I told him that belongs to the Lord. I’m asking you to have mercy on him.”


York County District Attorney Kathryn Slattery said she was pleased with the sentence.

“The sentence imposed by Justice Delahanty reflects the seriousness of Christopher Hall’s behavior and the continued threat he poses to public,” said Slattery in a statement. “The victim he has hurt and threatened can now have some measure of peace as she moves forward with her life. I applaud her courage.”

Tammy Wells can be contacted at 324-4444 or 282-1535, ext. 327 or at:

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