I’ve known Janet Mills, candidate for the nomination for governor, since we served on the founding board of the Maine Women’s Lobby. She’s thoughtful, informed and forthright. Her aspirations for our state and her clear-eyed vision of what it takes to get there are inspiring. She is the Democrat best equipped to win in November and the only candidate who, once elected, can hit the ground running and get government working again for all Mainers.

Janet won my support, among a field that includes other friends, because she is a problem solver who knows it takes more than a clever slogan to get things done. When our current leaders were endlessly debating how to fund the Medicaid expansion, Janet won $35 million in new funding to help.

When our current leaders were stuck in debates about whether and how to make life-saving overdose drugs available, Janet used the power of her office to purchase naloxone in bulk and get it to communities fast. On tough issues, she knows talking about change and doing it takes all parties and all of Maine working together – and she knows how to do that.

Janet Mills won’t always tell you want you want to hear, but she listens, deliberates and carefully analyzes the facts, tested against her Maine values, to reach her positions.

The next governor faces extraordinary challenges. Janet Mills is ready, guided by her true north – doing what’s right for all the people of Maine.

Trish Riley


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