The race for governor is a crowded field. Many of the candidates are solid, some have easily recognizable names. And, the positions of several Democratic candidates are not widely different, one from the other.

There is only one candidate, however, who has demonstrated administrative, political and management leadership, having served as speaker of the Maine House for four years. Mark Eves worked across the aisle to pass Medicaid expansion to improve the health care of our less fortunate citizens five times, only to have repeated vetoes by Gov. LePage. He was re-elected by his colleagues twice and he is now only 41 years old.

Maine needs his soft-spoken, can-do, non-flashy and non-bombastic leadership, which is a striking departure from the current office holder. Mark’s positions on gun violence, improving health care and dealing with the opioid epidemic are clear and his methods for achieving results are objective. As a professional family therapist, he understands these critical issues at the grassroots level. Let’s make Maine healthy again.

J. Michael Taylor, M.D.


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