I read the front-page March 27 article “Public art idea calls for floating dock in Back Cove where strangers meet” with disbelief. The group TEMPOart is supporting an art installation called Shifting Tides, with a 30-foot-by-30-foot floating dock in Back Cove. This includes an 80-foot gangway that would allow visitors to walk out over Back Cove.

As someone who frequently walks around the cove and photographs its many changing faces, I am appalled that this Portland jewel, home to several species of waterfowl, to gorgeous sunsets and to its popular recreational trail, would be defaced by such an inappropriate project.

Harbor Master Kevin Battle told the Press Herald that he hasn’t heard of any opposition to the project. What? If the public was polled, I missed it!

Well, here is one resident in opposition! And, I hope, spurred on by this letter, there will be many more who see the folly in such an endeavor. Please express your concern to the Portland City Council about the gravity of such a move.

Linda Rogoff


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