Craig Hickman

banner-personalOffice Sought: Representative – District 81
Age: 81
Occupation: organic farmer
Education: Bachelors Degree in Government, Harvard University, 1990
Family: Jop Blom, MaineGeneral Physical Therapist
Hometown: Winthrop

Political experience

State Representative, 2012 – present
House Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, 2014 – present
House Chair, Commission to Study the Public Reserved Lands Management Fund, 2015
Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission, 2015-present; President, Maine Electoral College, 2012
Democratic National Convention Delegate, 2012 and 2008

Why are you running for office?

It has been the highest honor of my life to represent the good people of Winthrop, Readfield, and part of North Monmouth at the foot of Mt. Pisgah in the Maine House of Representatives. Public service is humbling and most rewarding, at times, a big adventure, and always a great responsibility. It is my purpose and my duty. And so I am stepping up to serve again because I welcome the opportunity to continue creating public policy that protects veterans, small businesses, hard-working families, our natural resources, and our personal liberties. Policy that promotes food self-sufficiency, clean renewable energy, and ends hunger and poverty. Policy that increases investments in education and infrastructure and rebuilds rural economies. And policy that supports self-regulated local food systems and strengthens farming, fishing, and forestry—our heritage industries. I will continue to be a strong voice for those who cry in the dark. And I will always remain civil in the face of incivility, refuse to scapegoat any group of people for any reason whatsoever, and carefully choose words befitting the office to which I have been elected.



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