An Aug. 10 letter was clear in its opinion but foggy on facts and context (“Letter to the editor: The indictments against Donald Trump are politically motivated, but you already know that”). The letter did not dispute the charges against Mr. Trump, merely complained that President Biden was not facing the same scrutiny. In fact, a special prosecutor has already been appointed to investigate Biden’s possession of classified documents. In addition, President Biden’s son has been under federal investigation for the last five years, which unsurprisingly began during the Trump administration.

Regarding political motivation, here’s what this letter’s complaint conveniently overlooked: Mr. Trump’s own refusal to concede his defeat is politically motivated. His attempts to overturn the results of the election, his allies working in conjunction with those attempts, and his failed lawsuits challenging the election’s legality were all politically motivated. His demands to delay his trials until after the election so that he, or one of his Republican allies, can pardon him if they win the presidency next year, is politically motivated. Refusal by his supporters to acknowledge any culpability for Mr. Trump’s disturbing actions is politically motivated.

This could all have been avoided had Republican lawmakers been faithful to their oath of office during the impeachment process and acknowledged the seriousness of the charges instead of withdrawing into their politically motivated cocoons. But to use the letter writer’s own words, we “already know this.”

Andrew Pal

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