It seems to me that the Aug. 10 letter concerning the Trump indictments takes two giant steps of speculation (“The indictments against Donald Trump are politically motivated, but you already know that”).

First, the writer states that those who indicted Donald Trump couldn’t care less about potential crimes committed by President Biden. I see no basis for that assertion. We would need to wait and see how federal and state prosecutors and grand juries might respond should they be presented with evidence of crimes in the future. Let us all hope that they would respond in the appropriate legal manner, as they have done in Mr. Trump’s cases.

Second, the concluding sentence, “But you already know this,” presumably referring to claims of political bias underlying the latest Trump prosecutions, certainly does not apply to this reader of the Press Herald. I know no such thing, and I resent the suggestion that I would buy into such a load of malarkey. I suspect that many readers share this feeling. After losing the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump used a similar phrase in his rants about how he had really won. “And they all know it,” he would say, as if we would all just kindly sideline our brains and jump on the crazy train with him.

Count me out. I’ll wait on the platform for the creaky old Biden bus. At least it’s headed in the right direction.

Michael F. Conley Jr.

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