With all the noise about abortion, pro and con, I have not heard anything about the deaths that would occur if women lost the right to abort pregnancies. Yes, there would be women who would die if they could not get a safe and legal abortion.

Why do I know this? Years ago, I knew a woman who lived in Manhattan. She became pregnant (I never knew by whom). She had a wealthy family, and she knew that if her parents learned about her condition, she would be banned from family gatherings and disinherited. I knew the family well and absolutely believe that.

She got a back-alley abortion, and it was badly done. Soon, she was lying on the floor of her apartment dying, bleeding to death. Her sister happened to stop in and found her in time to get her to a hospital. She made a full recovery.

I wonder how many women would die because they could not have a safe (and legal) abortion. Those who wish to make abortion illegal would have blood on their hands.

John Kipp Jr.

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