For the first time in over 50 years, Portland’s Planning Department is updating its land use code. This effort, known as ReCode, will align with the city’s recently updated comprehensive plan.

More Portland residents, including the entire City Council, need to be aware that the currently proposed ReCode is not going to make this city equitable or more affordable.

Dull as zoning might be, it determines how Portland is developed, what it looks like and how it is used. Much of what we love here was built before zoning existed and could not be built now. As Winston Churchill said, “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” ReCode will shape Portland and its residents for years to come.

Recently, the R6 (multifamily and low-rise apartment) zoning guidelines were updated with, for many, disastrous effects. While the update was well intentioned, there was no way to foresee how the consequences would reshape Munjoy Hill, not necessarily for the better.

We desperately need more housing, especially homes such as triple-deckers and smaller-sized houses for the “missing middle.” The current zoning does not allow the type of housing and businesses we need. Nor does ReCode at this point.

What to do? 1: Pause ReCode. 2: Engage and educate the public about ReCode and its consequences. 3: Go beyond soliciting email comments. 4: Provide more than a handful of options for residents throughout the city to participate in person.

We are all stakeholders in how and for whom Portland is shaped. Let’s ReDo ReCode.

Ian Jacob

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