I’m immensely proud that Maine is a leader in our nation’s growing pro-union labor movement. Recently, Staples workers in Brunswick did something I view as courageous – they petitioned to form the first Staples union in our entire country. There are nearly 1,000 Staples retail stores in the U.S., and it is hardworking Mainers who are speaking up about how their labor is undervalued.

It’s stirring to see members of our community know they are worth so much more than what a giant corporation thinks of them. I believe Brunswick Staples workers looking out for one another reflects core Maine values.

I also have empathy for these workers. It can’t be easy being first, so it’s my hope they won’t be alone for long. There are 10 Staples locations in Maine. May the brave Brunswick Staples workers inspire union petitions at Staples retail stores throughout our beautiful state.

Aaron Bergeron

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