Earlier this summer, the Maine Senate passed L.D. 1215, a bill that would end the sale of flavored tobacco products in Maine.

I would like to thank our state senator, Jill Duson, D-Portland, for her work on this bill. She not only sponsored the bill, but she has also worked tirelessly to move it forward. Going up against Big Tobacco on behalf of our kids is not an easy decision to make. One has to be working as an elected official for all the right reasons to take on the tobacco industry. She fearlessly decided to do so, and is not backing down.

Sen. Duson has publicly shared personal stories about her own family’s tobacco addictions, and she has had private conversations with others who have been impacted by addiction. She is fighting the good fight, and she’s doing it for the right reasons.

To have this legislation pass through the Senate is a big deal. The next step is passing the House, which will take it up after the new year. I implore the Maine House of Representatives to follow the lead of the Senate and vote to end the sale of flavored tobacco products in our state.

For now, let’s celebrate the Senate’s decision, and the incredible leadership from Sen. Duson. I thank Sen. Duson on behalf of her constituents and kids all over the state.

Dillon Mulhern

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