Tom Gyger of South Bridgton works with his tractor to clear a path down Route 107 as he spearheads a rescue effort to help Mac Gillet emerge from his remote home at Moose Cove. David A. Rodgers/Press Herald

A large section of a tree was downed by its ice-laden branches along Baxter Boulevard in Portland. John Ewing/Press Herald

The yellow flashers from Central Maine Power trucks light up Western Avenue around 4 a.m. on Jan. 9. The CMP crews were working steadily to restore power to a section of Augusta. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

A tree crew member trims ice-coated branches from trees overhanging power lines along Broadway Street in South Portland. John Ewing/Press Herald

Linemen from Bell Atlantic work to replace a line of 12 poles knocked down alongside Route 201 in Gardiner during the ice storm. David A. Rodgers/Press Herald

A couple out walking the neighborhood and surveying the damage from ice storm pass fallen limbs and down wires on Lincoln Street in Augusta. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

A letter carrier checks the clearance to make sure his truck can make it under a downed tree on Jan. 8 on Ridge Road in Norway. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

A Farmingdale town official inspects ice damage to trees and power lines along Sheldon Street. Gordon Chibroski/Press Herald

South Portland residents assess the damage on Bowers Street, which was strewn with fallen power lines and tree limbs. David A. Rodgers/Press Herald

A state game warden drives through the ice-covered trees along Files Road in Thorndike. David Leaming/Morning Sentinel

A Central Maine Power lineman works to remove a limb from an icy power line in Augusta on Jan. 8. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

A car travels down Turner Street in Auburn flanked by broken trees and utility poles. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Bystanders look over a section of the Albion Road in Waterville closed to traffic due to broken poles and wires. David Leaming/Morning Sentinel

Broadway in South Portland is closed to traffic as power lines fell across the heavily travelled roadway. David A. Rodgers/Press Herald

Jewel McHale of Route 115 in Yarmouth cuts up one of the many trees that broke under the weight of the ice at her home. Although beautiful to look at, the ice storm caused a lot of damage to trees, wires and homes in the state. Gordon Chibroski/Press Herald

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