Each year, the Press Herald Toy Fund is helped by local businesses that donate their services to help get gifts into the hands of children in need.

They donate supplies, feed volunteers, and help transport toys and books around the state. And they do it behind the scenes without expecting anything in return.

Many of these businesses are among the Toy Fund’s most steadfast supporters and have been pitching in for many years. They are: Northeast Transport, DeRosier’s Freeport Pizza, Anthony’s Italian Kitchen in Portland, CVS Freeport, Amato’s Corporate, Subway on St. John Street in Portland, Trader Joe’s in Portland, Altrusa Portland, and Noyes Storage.

Meanwhile, the Toy Fund continues to accept donations – as it does year-round. Names of donors who don’t wish to be anonymous will continue to be published in periodic updates.


From Blair & Bonnie $25
Spreading joy this season. Tom & Stefanie Manning $500
Cape Elizabeth Hose Company No2 $200
In loving memory of Mom and Dad & Gram and Gramp $2,000
Kristen Damuth $100
In honor of our 3 grandchildren – Mimi & Kappy $100
In loving memory of my husband, Wayne, and son William – Dorothy M. York $50
Charles Tibbetts $300
David & Sandra $50
Gary McCredie $25
Michael & Dona Boissonneault $100
In memory of Gam & Bump $100
Barry & Pat Unnold $500
In gratitude for our warm home, Ripple & Buddy $100
John & Lynda Wilson $100
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! From the Brian Bicknell family in honor of Coleman and Bruce Bicknel, Dennis, and Stanley Watts $250
Merry Christmas! $20
Anonymous $25
In memory of Joe Bernier $200
In memory of David Driscoll $100
Jeff & Denise Wentworth $100
Sorry to be late to the table. Merry Christmas to all! A friend $50
Anonymous $100

TOTAL TO DATE: $188,203.51

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