Election Day winners in three state legislative races were confirmed by recounts this week, the secretary of state’s office said.

Republican Eric Brakey was confirmed as the winner in the Senate District 20 race, representing the Auburn area. Democrat Bettyann Sheats gained two votes, while Brakey lost 16 in Monday’s recount for a finally tally of 9,064 to 8,918.

Republican Barbara Bagshaw was confirmed as the winner in the House District 106 race, representing northern Windham. Democrat Dana Reed gained two votes, while Bagshaw gained one additional vote for a final tally of 2,373 to 2,350.

And Democrat Kathleen Shaw was confirmed as the winner in the House District 88 race, representing south Auburn. Republican James Sorcek lost three votes, while Shaw gained five for a final tally of 2,074 to 2,003.

The recounts were conducted at the Maine Department of the Secretary of State’s office at 45 Commerce Drive in Augusta and livestreamed on Facebook. The Senate recount was conducted Monday, while the House recounts took place on Tuesday.

Representatives for each candidate and staff members from the secretary of state’s office manually reviewed each paper ballot to determine the official vote tally.

Maine State Police retrieved the ballots and delivered them to the recount site, where they were stored in a secured room. All ballots are stored in tamperproof metal containers and are closed with specially numbered security seals and locks.

The recounts confirmed Democrats’ hold on the Blaine House, Senate and House – known as a trifecta. Gov. Janet Mills was reelected. Democrats maintained a 22-13 seat advantage in the Senate and an 82-67 advantage in the House, where two unenrolled candidates also will serve.

Dec. 7 is the first day of the legislative session.

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