Concerning the new trend toward the electrification of America, here’s just a reminder of what’s to come.

This stampede to switch to electric cars and heat pumps will put a big strain on our already crumbling grid. Electric vehicles will have to beef up their electrical services. Night workers will charge up their cars during the day, while day workers will have to charge up their vehicles at night, thus putting a 24-hour a day strain on the electric grid.

All this stampeding for green energy is false, as solar panels are not biodegradable and also not permanent. So, when they fall apart, possibly in a few decades, what do we do with the unusable materials?

I must add that solar panel farms are the ugliest sight ever. And what will we do when solar energy advocates finally con all the farmers into selling them their land? Starve? With the above in mind, it would seem logical to concentrate on nuclear power, our only hope for the future of this country.

I must also add that the American engineering company, Westinghouse Electric, just signed a contract to build the first nuclear power plant in the country of Poland. Maybe Poland is more far sighted than us, eh?

Frank D. Slason
Retired electrical engineer

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