A first-term legislator is facing a challenge in Maine House District 127, which covers part of Westbrook.

Republican Ryan Poitras is running to unseat Democratic Rep. Morgan Rielly.

Here is a look at the candidates’ priorities and positions on some key issues.


Q: What are your top priorities and why?

The rising cost of energy in Maine, rebuilding Maine’s infrastructure, and protecting Mainers’ Rights and Liberties to have the freedom to do what they want without government restriction.


Q: What are your biggest concerns about the economy and what should the Legislature do to address them?

Ryan Poitras

With a weakened economy and rising costs of energy going into the winter, we could put a tax holiday on fuels during the winter and it would immediately lower costs for the winter.

Q: Do you support changing Maine’s abortion law to make it more or less restrictive and how?

No, what Maine has now for laws regarding abortion is fine. We should leave them alone because this state has other bigger issues to deal with.

Q: Do you believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly?




Party: Republican

Occupation: Project engineer for a construction company

Education: Westbrook High School, University of Maine with an engineering degree.

Civic/Political Experience: None out of college that weren’t school organized organizations or groups.

Website, Facebook



Q: What are your top priorities and why?

Promoting civics education along with expanding opportunities for Mainers to serve their communities through my Maine Service Fellows and Maine Climate Corps programs.

Morgan Rielly

Protecting Maine’s environment and heritage industries for future generations of Mainers to enjoy and find work.

Providing relief to families, seniors, and working-class Mainers with tax relief, more affordable health care and housing, and investments in public education and trade programs

Q: What are your biggest concerns about the economy and what should the Legislature do to address them?


We need to make it easier for Mainers in need to apply for heating assistance, further invest in weatherizing homes, and stop utility companies from increasing their rates. My Maine Climate Corps program will have the initial members of the Corps working on home energy management and conservation projects, which will save money for Mainers in need. I plan to expand this program during the 131st Legislature.

Q: Do you support changing Maine’s abortion law to make it more or less restrictive and how?

I am proud of my 100% voting record and endorsement from Maine’s Planned Parenthood Action Fund. I am for fewer restrictions and Maine already has strong abortion rights protections. We need to make sure that anyone who needs access to abortion care from outside of Maine is able to access services here without the patients or providers facing any consequences.

Q: Do you believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

Yes, and to question the legitimacy of the election only undermines our democracy and threatens our democratic institutions.



Party: Democrat

Occupation: State representative, oyster farm hand

Education: Westbrook High School, Bowdoin College

Civic/Political Experience: Student representative on the Westbrook City Council 2012 -2014; State representative, House District 34 in Westbrook (now District 127) 2020 – present.

Website, Facebook


– Sam Pausman

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