It is rewarding to see individuals willing to step up and seek political office. For the citizens of House District 104 (Gray-New Gloucester), this November presents them with the opportunity to obtain a powerful voice. Anne Gass, an independent, is running a positive, energetic campaign, and her election will bring a talent to Augusta that we can be proud of.
Anne is a successful small-business owner, an accomplished author, an active member in her community and very pragmatic. Anne’s ability to listen – respectfully – to opposing viewpoints and to see the potential of areas of agreement is clearly a needed quality at the State House. Anne is a compassionate, concerned, and committed leader. She is actively engaged in her community, understands the issues, and cares more about finding solutions than party politics. District 104 can count on Anne Gass.
I encourage your vote on Nov. 8 for Anne Gass in House District 104.Donnie Carroll

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