Chenette has the right kind of experience

To the editor,

I’ve known Justin Chenette for over 15 years. I served with Justin when he was a state representative while I was in the Senate. Justin has the right kind of experience to be our next county commissioner.

With the county jail and the Sheriff’s office under the purview of county commissioners, Justin worked with county sheriffs all across our state and the County Commissioner’s Association as a member of the Legislature’s Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee. There he helped bring stakeholders together to negotiate additional county jail funding for York County, advocated for state funding of our county addiction treatment program, and fought for criminal justice reform. On the State & Local Government Committee, Justin worked on issues pertaining to the structure and budgeting process of county government.

He worked alongside me as a co-sponsor to my bill that brought $65 million in state funding to secure a new county courthouse for our area. A much-needed upgrade that will ensure better access to justice. For all the issues that relate to this position, Justin has been there in the fight, advocating for our community all along. I’m proud to support him in his efforts to continue his public service as our county commissioner in the Democratic Primary June 14th.

Linda Valentino


To the editor,

I am voting for former Senator Justin Chenette for York County Commissioner. He did an exemplary job while serving in the Maine legislature. He was always accessible to the public and looking out for the best interests of the people. He is all about transparency and accountability in government.

I support his action plan of evening meetings and workshops with livestream meetings and post video of online meetings on social media with in-person opportunities, including monthly “Coffee with your Commissioner” office hours to make information more accessible for people who work during the day.

Justin Chenette would support public hearings on budget matters to ensure transparency on how $40 million dollars in one-time public relief money and other revenue is spent. He would implement a multi-departmental government approach to mitigate climate change.

Lastly, Justin Chenette would improve the response time of requests for Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) to public records. To my knowledge, there is not enough staff in state government to handle such requests in a timely fashion, which creates a backlog of people waiting weeks, sometimes even months, for requested information; hence, the lawsuits by media organizations for a lack of full compliance with this important law.

I am voting for Justin Chenette for York County Commissioner!


Val Philbrick
Old Orchard Beach

Saco school construction location

To the editor,

The most recent site selection option appears to be one of two locations in the Industrial Park (IP) for the new school in Saco. This is to cover pre-K through grade 5.

Common sense should be utilized. The location is based on how the city concentration of housing is today and not a projection into the future. This is a school with a 50-year life span. Our current preschool age children will pay the final payments on this school if they remain in Saco.

One single school supporting grades Pre-K-5 near Saco Middle School is the better solution for traffic, building maintenance, and most importantly providing parents a centralized location for Pre-K-8. There are many designs providing a small school feel in a larger building. We are not the first, and certainly will not be the last community rebuilding on a limited budget! Most importantly all children would have an equal state of the art classroom experience. It’s just good common-sense approach.


If the school was located by SMS, a connector from Route 5 to 112 would promote safety for cars and buses alike. It fits in with the improvements the Maine Turnpike Authority has planned. Example, the reopening of the “old exit” in Saco. Having a direct link to 112 off the Turnpike. This location provides functionality and eliminates many of our current citizens paid bus/car trips to multiple facilities scattered throughout our city.

If the school is built in the IP, Route 112, Route 1, Industrial Park Road all other side roads driven by parents to drop off their children at multiple school’s locations increases the traffic on side roads that connect to Route 112, 1, 5, and unimproved roads.

And let’s not forget the IP has a number of marijuana facilities throughout the area.

This process has been escaping the sunshine. Citizens have one major alternative method to find out information regarding the construction consisting of electronic sources. The electronic format is a one-way direction based on Superintendent Ray’s decision and School Board’s knowledge. Mr. Ray believes it is the citizens’ responsibility to look for the information on the website.

Many individuals do not own a computer. How many Saco citizens know when the school board and committee even meet currently. Not many.

It’s time to go back and create the open process Saco Citizens should expect. Take the opportunity and inform the School Board the issue of all items being presented electronically fails to provide transparency to over half of the community. This is a major community project where all Saco property owners will have an increase to their taxes.

The local Courier or Portland Press Herald is a better resource for the non-users of computers to obtain the information. By providing notices to the various papers, this provides the public knowledge it expects from the school department and school board.

Barbara Colman

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