Masthead Maine and the Maine Sports Hall of Fame presented a panel discussion commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Title IX. Panelists include University of Maine Basketball Coach Amy Vachon, University of New England Athletic Director Heather Davis, and Lisa Blais Manning who won a national championship as a player at Old Dominion. The event took place on Wednesday May 18th.

Lisa Blais Manning was a pioneer during the early days of Title IX, when opportunities for women is sport began expanding. However, progress was slow and uneven. Along with being one of the greatest players Maine ever produced, she is a long-time coach and the mother of Kristy Manning who was Maine’s Miss Basketball in 2010.


Showing how sports evolved, Amy Vachon was named Maine’s player of the year by three different organizations. As a player at Maine, she contributed to four consecutive trips to the NCAA Tournament and a noted first-round victory over Stanford in 1999. As Head Coach, she has led the Black Bears to six consecutive trips to the America East finals while posting a 114-54 record.

Heather Davis earned regional honors in soccer for Plymouth State playing on a team that lost a national championship game. She has been a coach and administrator for 20 years and is currently Athletic Director and Title IX Deputy Coordinator at the University of New England. She helps oversee and coordinate the University’s response to reports of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, stalking as well as partner and domestic violence. She is considered an authority on Title IX.

The three will discuss the importance of Title IX, how it affects sports and education and how it has changed since its enactment in 1972.

The forum will be hosted by Travis Lazarczyk of the Portland Press Herald and Lisa Hook, Vice Chair of the Maine Sports Hall of Fame. Lazarczyk has been named Maine Sportswriter of the Year by the National Sports Media Association two of the past three years. Lisa Hook is a former Colby basketball star and serves on the school’s Board of Visitors.  She is currently Senior Community Banking Manager SVP at Androscoggin Bank.

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