I am in total agreement with (and just as dismayed as) letter writer Theresa Quinn (“Major party’s leadership sending out messages of hate”) and syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts (“Where’s the lie in Rep. Omar’s tweet about the traveling Christian singers?” April 20) about the Republican doctrine of hatred.

I have also seen the beg letters Theresa refers to and often heard quotes from Sen. Ted Cruz and other prominent Republicans (e.g., on Fox [not] News) that Democrats hate them. Are they saying this because they have hatred in their hearts for anyone who does not agree with their viewpoints? That is what it seems. And yet, I have never heard a Democrat say they hate Republicans.

Personally, I am an independent. I may strongly dislike what certain politicians do and say, but I will not stoop to hatred of the person or the party. If anything, the Democratic Party is turning the other cheek too much. They need to speak up, with confidence, and shout from the rooftops (something the Republicans are good at) about all the positive accomplishments that have occurred under the Biden administration and all the good things to come.

Certainly, the Republicans are not going to ease up or tone down any. They are going to keep on yelling (too often absurdities). The rest of us with opinions need to chime in! But please, let’s focus on debatable issues, rather than bashing others or projecting pure negativity.

Regi Robnett

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