On the surface, the University of New England medical school’s move to Portland would seem to be a slam dunk. Access to other departments would seem a great selling point to attract medical students at a time when we need more medical providers.

That said, as a Deering Center resident, I am not a fan of the idea. Since UNE started to expand its Stevens Avenue footprint in the mid-2000s, parking issues have become problematic. On weekdays, parking extends from the campus down to Deering Center.

Over the last 10-plus years, as a volunteer of an organization on Stevens Avenue, I have periodically met with UNE officials to express concern about parking issues. I have heard officials tout its parking options at the end of Bishop Street, more than a half-mile from campus.

The ramifications are that many students park anywhere they can. The city has provided some relief by posting areas near campus as one-hour parking; however, the larger issue remains unsolved.

More than 10 years ago I spoke at a neighborhood meeting on the UNE campus, hosted by then-City Councilor David Brenerman, and suggested that UNE consider a parking garage. Do not get me wrong: I am not a fan of parking garages. However, I realized, in this case, one might be needed.

As UNE moves forward with its plan, university President James Herbert should consider addressing the parking issues the school has helped spawn. I hope the city officials will press university officials to address them.

George Shaler

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