I was dreadfully disappointed in the Press Herald’s use of Eliot Cutler’s mug shot to accompany the story on child pornography in Wednesday’s paper (“How child porn in Maine is uncovered, prosecuted,” March 30, Page A1) . The photo implied that the story was about Mr. Cutler. It wasn’t, though his case was mentioned peripherally.

Imagine my disgust to see the same photo used Friday to accompany a follow-up story on child pornography (“A Maine State Police unit is flooded daily with child-porn leads. Here’s how it works,” April 1, Page A1).

The issue of child pornography is important to address, and I’m glad to see the Press Herald covering it. However, the use of Mr. Cutler’s picture is a blatant attempt to draw attention to the story and is abusive. For shame.

Mary Mayo

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