Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is one of the most qualified Supreme Court nominees ever.

I saw two distinct hearings while watching the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the confirmation of Judge Jackson for a seat on the Supreme Court: The first, with Democrats offering thoughtful discussion, alternated with the second, an embarrassing Republican circus (with the exception of Ben Sasse, who was a gentleman) behaving with all the gravitas of toddlers throwing tantrums.

The Republicans’ bullying – in particular not even allowing her to answer their questions, refusing to yield when their time was up and arguing with the committee chair without grounds – betrayed their real intentions: to disrupt the process, without any participation in the Senate’s solemn duty to give advice and consent on the nomination to the highest court in the land.

I call on Sen. Susan Collins to come out unequivocally in favor of Judge Jackson’s confirmation, and to show real leadership in support of Judge Jackson’s nomination. She can show real leadership by persuading the remaining sane Republican senators, including Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Sasse (are there any others?), to join in support of Judge Jackson’s confirmation.

Within recent memory Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed 96-3 and Antonin Scalia 98-0. Ketanji Brown Jackson deserves the same.

Howard Marshall

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