While it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by dire news about climate change, some parts of the climate solution lie very close to home – in our own yards! What we do in our yards, gardens and community green spaces can truly make a positive difference.

As we take steps toward more resilient landscapes, the rewards are multiple interlocking benefits: healthy ecosystems support pollinators and other beneficial insects and wildlife, capture more carbon to be stored in the soil, and better absorb and filter stormwater. And taking action boosts one’s sense of hope and empowerment, while increasing your enjoyment of nature’s beauty where you live.

Low carbon landscaping is a key part of the town of Cumberland’s Climate Action Plan for a more “Sustainable Cumberland,” recommended by the town’s Lands and Conservation Commission, potentially lowering the town’s annual C02 emissions by over 8,500 metric tons. That’s the same as taking almost 2,000 cars off the road. The typical Cumberland resident could cut their carbon footprint by almost 20 percent through landscaping choices.

If you’re wondering how to get started, let the phrase “less lawn, more native plants, shrubs, and trees” be your guide in your own backyard, and in the front!

Take some steps for low carbon landscaping in your yard and discover how empowering it can be!

Susan Curtis
Cumberland Foreside

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